second-trimester abortion information
If you are in your second trimester or late-term and are considering an abortion, take the time you need to learn more about your options. Learn more about the types of abortion by trimester, side-effects, and other helpful abortion information in a pressure-free environment. We look forward to serving you.
how we can help
We can determine how far along you are, inform you about options available to you in Santa Cruz, California, and answer any questions you may have about your pregnancy options.
In-Clinic Abortions
We provide pregnancy services and information on abortion procedures.
FAQs on Abortion
how much does an abortion cost?
Abortion costs are determined by several factors, including but not limited to:
Type of abortion - Suction Abortion or D&E are the most common types of procedures
Gestation (how far along you are)
Single or multiple pregnancies
At your appointment, you can learn more about your legal rights and options for pregnant women in California. We can help you determine how far along you are so you can make a choice and determine your next step.
Is an in-clinic abortion easier than a medication abortion?
If you are in your first trimester, you have the option of a medication/medical abortion (the abortion pill) or an abortion procedure. Both choices have health risks and side-effects. Before you decide, you should discuss your medical history and any health conditions with a doctor or nurse.
what if I'm in my third trimester?
At your appointment, we can answer all your questions about late-term abortion procedures and give you information and resources for pregnancy options in your first, second, or third trimester.
what do I need to bring to my appointment?
You are also welcome to bring a partner, friend or parent with you to your appointment. (Minors are not required to have a parent or guardian present.)
Things to note: We do not perform abortion methods.