3D/4D Ultrasound
3D and 4D ultrasounds are a great way to see a clearer picture of your baby and the pictures will give you a pregnancy keepsake to treasure forever.

What is a 3D/4D ultrasound?
This special type of ultrasound takes 2D images and combines them to render a 3D image. A 4D ultrasound allows you to see a video of your baby on the screen.
Do I need a 3D/4D ultrasound?
A 3D or 4D ultrasound is not medically necessary. This is purely for the enjoyment of seeing your baby and is not used for diagnostic purposes.
How much does it cost? What can I expect?
Our 3D and 4D Live Picture and Video Package is $100.00 or get 50% off if you are a client
You will receive:
40-50 minute live session where you will hear your baby’s heartbeat and see your baby in 3D and 4D
Up to two digital video clips
Up to 10 digital color pictures on a USB Flash Drive
For best picture results increase if needed your water intake to at least 4-6 glasses of water daily a week before your appointment. If we cannot obtain a view of babies face or you would just like a second scan, we can perform another scan at half price. Clients receive a $50.00 discount but must have a positive test on file with us. You must be established with us or another provider for prenatal care and be between 20-30 weeks.
This service is available at the Midtown Santa Cruz and Watsonville Clinic. Call or schedule online to make an appointment.
We accept cash, check, PayPal, Venmo and credit card.